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Shengdi Group visits Poland
Source:Author:Time:2014/6/3 10:09:59

The delegation from Shengdi Group lead byChairman Mr. Jim Lam visited Poland from May 24th -27th,2014. During this visit the representatives of Shengdi Group had a chance tomeet with high-ranking central and local government officials from Poland. Thevisit was also an important step in pushing forward its cooperation with PTAKS.A.

 On May 26th, Shengdi Group metwith the Governor of Lodz Province Mr. Witold STEPIEN, who strengthened theimportance of Polish and Chinese economic cooperation while expressing hopethat with the assistance of Shengdi Group more Polish products would enterChinese market in the future.

 On the same day Shengdi Group met with theMayor of Lodz City Mme. Hanna Zdanowska, who introduced the current state ofcooperation between Lodz City and Chengdu, as well as the prospects toestablish sister city partnership between Lodz and Guangzhou and opening a LodzCity representative office in Guangzhou.


 Afterwards, Shengdi Group met with thePresident of PTAK S.A. Mr. Antoni Ptak and discussed the future efforts insetting up a platform for product exchanges between Poland and China.


   Bothsides reached an agreement on following issues:

-On June 26th, 2014Shengdi Group and PTAK S.A. will sign an agreement of cooperation. The signingceremony will be attended by the delegation of Guangdong Provincial Government,CCPIT and Cantonese businessmen.

-China Shengdi Business Centerwill be opened in PTAK Market and both sides will join forces in promotingShengdi Shiling City in Poland.

-Poland – China GuangdongChamber of Commerce will be established with Mr. Jim Lam as its Chairman

-Lodz City will open arepresentation with its headquarters in Shengdi Group office

On May 27th the Chairman Mr. JimLam met with the Deputy Speaker of the lower house of the Parliament of PolandMr. Cezary Grabarczyk, who welcomed Shengdi delegation and expressed his bestwishes to the prosperous cooperation between Shengdi and PTAK.


 TheChairman of Shengdi Group Mr. Jim Lam also met with the Ambassador of PRC toPoland Mr. Xu Jian, who stressed the importance of strengthening friendship andmutual ties between China and Poland.

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