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Shengdi Groups visits International Dragon City in Panama
Source:Author:Time:2014/7/22 13:57:30

At the invitation of CHINAMEX,on July 16th-17th, 2014, the Chairman of Shengdi GroupMr. Jim Lam together with his Assistant Ms. Wang Yanhong visited the new freetrade zone project in Panama called International Dragon City.

At present,CHINAMEX has already created some of the biggest trade platforms betweenChinese and international markets, providing Chinese and foreign enterpriseswith assistance in such areas as exhibition, attracting investors, tradeexchange and others. One of its main projects so far was Dubai Dragon City –the earliest established exchange platform between China and foreign countriesin the Middle East with around 3950 Chinese retail and wholesale merchants asmembers.

Panama politicianstogether with the biggest real estate developers – CHINAMEX, Grupo GraffitiCompu Mall and Mr. Carlos Sultan took advantage of the area of 1300 ha atPanama International Airport and created a Panama International Dragon Cityproject.

On July 16th,the Chairman of Shengdi Group Mr. Jim Lam accompanied by Mr. Carlos Sultan tooka helicopter flight to take a look at the topography and the area around theproject and had a business meeting afterwards. Panama Dragon City is based inPanama and targets other Central and South American countries around. Its aimis to attract Chinese and Asian enterprises to display their mercenaries,becoming a useful commerce platform for Asian companies as well as a touristand leisure center with its Asian style buildings and cultural attractions.

Later in theevening, the Chairman Mr. Jim Lam met with the General Manager and DeputyGeneral Manager of a local branch of Bank of China Mr. Li Zhou and Mr. Li Wangto talk about investment environment and financial policy of Panama. He alsomet the Chairman of Chinese Chamber of Commerce Mr. Luo – an entrepreneur withmore than 50 years of experience in conducting business in Panama and had afruitful talk about the country’s politics and economy.

OnJuly 17th, Mr. Jim Lam together with the General Manager of CHINAMEXMr. Sun Jun visited the Panama Colon Free Trade Zone. Panama Colon FTZ islocated in the Panama Canal estuary into the Atlantic Ocean. It is the biggestFTZ on the western hemisphere and second biggest transit point in the world,first being Hong Kong. Panama is a strategic country in Latin America, connectingthe Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean as well as northand south part of Latin America. It is often referred to as “the crossroads ofthe world economy”. The stable political situation, policy of opening up,protection of foreign investments, good business environment and flexible taxpolicy lead to its constant economic growth for the past few years, keeping thelevel of 7.2 to 12.1% growth.

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