At the invitationof the highest ranking government officials of Slovenia and Finland, the VicePremier of the State Council of the P.R.C. Mr. Wang Yang paid a visit to Europefrom November 18th-23rd, 2014.
The Chairman ofShengdi Group Mr. Jim Lam, as an outstanding Chinese entrepreneur was invitedto join the accompanying delegation of businessmen formed by China CCPIT.
The first stop inthis European visit was Finland, where the Vice Premier met with the highestgovernment officials and attended the China-Finland economic cooperation Forum.Finland is an important exporter of fur, artificial fur, as well as leatherproducts and suitcases. The leather products are vastly exported from Finlandto China, with the trade volume of 140 million USD, constituting 9% of totalexport volume between the two countries. Finland is also a world leader inproduction of fox skin, exported mainly to mainland China and Hong Kong.
The second part of the visittook place in Slovenia, where Vice Premier met with the highest representativesof the central government and participated in the signing ceremony ofcooperation agreements between China and Slovenia in the areas ofinfrastructure, new energies, investments and others. Slovenia, with itsstrategic location on the Balkan Peninsula, constitutes a link between Easternand Central Europe, therefore is considered an important partner for China andsupporter in the 16+1 cooperation (Central-Eastern Europe + China).
Shengdi Group,constantly looking for new leather and fur manufacturers, sparing no efforts toopen a window to Europe for Chinese enterprises, was greatly interested inestablishing contacts with strategic European countries, especially those inthe north and central-eastern parts of Europe, such as Finland and Slovenia.