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Chairman of Shengdi Group Mr. Jim Lam elected the Vice Chairman of Guangdong General Chamber of Commerce.
Source:Author:Time:2015/2/12 11:32:41

The annual report of Poland- China Guangdong Chamber of Commerce

On February 10th, 2015, the annual conference of CCPIT Guangdong (Chinese Council for the Promotion ofInternational Trade) and Guangdong General Chamber of Commerce was held inGuangzhou. During the meeting, CCPIT GD presented its annual report of the year2014. Afterwards, the Guangdong General Chamber of Commerce elected its newBoard members, choosing Chairman of Shengdi Group Mr. Jim Lam as the ViceChairman of the Chamber.

The main objectives for the Chamber in 2015 will be to promote an overseas e-commerce platform, intensify export of Cantonese products abroad, develop its membership, organize different types of activities for Cantonese entrepreneurs, such as meetings with Polish companies, study tours etc.

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