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2014 LINEAPELLE Asia announces new trends for autumn-winter 2015/2016
Source:Author:Time:2014/10/11 15:04:04

On October 9th,2014 the 12th LineapelleAsia exhibition was launched in Guangzhou Nanfeng Exhibition Center. Over 40manufacturers from Italy, Turkey, France and China presented their leatherproducts, while the new trends in leather fashion for 2015-2016 autumn-winterseason were announced. To show their support for Lineapelle Asia, Shengdi Shiling International Leather Cityorganized a “2014 Italian Leather Trends Fashion Show” presenting the newesttechnological solutions and designs in leather fashion.

“2014Italian Leather Trends Fashion Show” organized by Shengdi Shiling InternationalLeather & Leather Products City.

During theceremony, the CEO of Lineapelle Mr.Salvatore Mercogliano summarized the current state of cooperation betweenChinese and Italian leather manufacturers. He also thanked Shengdi Group forits support in bringing Italian and Chinese tannerscloser together. According to statistics, despite the difficult situation inthe European economy, the total trade volume in leather industry between Chinaand Italy amounted to 3.2 billion EUR and grew 7% in the first half of the year2014. Chinese customers were most interested in leather shoes import, whileItalians preferred to import Chinese leather gloves and bags. He stressed thatItaly is attaching great importance to development of trade exchanges withChina. He invited all the merchants to participate in 2015 Lineapelle events such as Milan ANTEPRIMA (15-16.01) and springedition of Lineapelle InternationalLeather Exhibition (25-27.02.).

2015-2016Autumn-Winter Trend Setting Seminar

2014 LINEAPELLE Asia Fashion Trends(2015-2016 autumn-winter season) Display

Over 40exhibitors from Italy, France, Turkey and other European countries presentedtheir products at 2014 LINEAPELLE Asia. 

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