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Shengdi Shiling study tour of the top Italian tanneries
Source:Author:Time:2014/10/28 9:45:34

On September 15th,after taking part in LineapelleInternational Leather Exhibition in Milan, Shengdi Group delegation togetherwith representatives of top Chinese genuine leather distributors and designers tooka tour around Italian tanneries: VOLPI, GIAMAICA, MERIDIANA and MADERA. Thepurpose of this visit was to study the latest standards in genuine qualityleather processing and design.


1.      VOLPI CONCERIE s.r.l.

First stop of thetour was Ponte A Egola and visit to VOLPI tannery. The delegation was receivedby the Chairman of VOLPI and the Honorary Chairman of Italian Vegetable LeatherAssociation Mr. Giuseppe Volpi. The VOLPI tannery has been operating since1951. Through almost three generations of experience VOLPI became one of theleaders in manufacturing vegetable leather, used mainly for production of shoesoles, shoe heels and belts. The delegation had a chance to see the newestautumn-winter season patterns display and the production workshop.


2.      GIAMAICA s.p.a & MADERAs.p.a

Later on, the delegationheaded for Santa Croce to see two genuine leather tanneries GIAMAICA andMADERA. In both locations the delegates had a chance to see the sample rooms aswell as workshops, where they studied the unique technologies of leatherpressing and spraying used by Italian manufacturers.

GIAMAICA has beenpresent on the leather market for over 40 years, specializing in calfskinleather, embossed leather and buttermilk skin leather used for production ofhandbags and shoes.

MADERA wasestablished in 1984 and having rich experience in manufacturing vegetablecalfskin leather.

3.      MERIDIANA s.p.a

The last stop ofthe delegation was MERIDIANA tannery in Ponte A Egola, one of the most famoustanneries in Tuscany, supplying luxurious leather to many famous internationalbrands.

This study tour was part ofthe latest Shengdi project to build a platform of communication between Chineseand international leather industry, as well as broadening the knowledge oflocal tanners and designers about the most advanced techniques used by topItalian manufacturers.

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